Tuesday, August 31, 2010


As a blogger, my credentials are rather threadbare. Many a time have I felt that rush of
words, magically aligned to inspire my prospective readers, weaving a grand tapestry of
imagination. Momentous events have generally triggered a latent best-selling wordsmith
in me, only to be dragged down by sloth and an excess of daydreaming. There’s nothing
like inertia, or imagined writing and adulation, to nip a blossoming blog in the bud.
The IPLs, THE World Cup and everything else in between and on either side have
resulted in spurts of wordy ecstasy that have promptly disappeared aided by “sleeping
on the idea”. How, I have vainly wondered, do I get off the blocks? (and many more
assorted clichés)
Work-wise too, I have veered towards jobs that have close proximity to the nuances of
the English language, which I am partial to. The inability to transform my meandering
thoughts into black-coloured 12-pt Times New Roman letters can be very disheartening.
After all, I was the darling letter and essay writer of my teachers from school. My
papers were thrust into the faces of others’ parents at those parent-teacher meetings.
Phew!! The pride that swelled in me even as I squirmed in the attention only serves to
confound me over my sad handicap of a perennial writer’s block. Who was I kidding?
I can readily blame the rote-learning approach that was fostered by my post-school years.
I can, for a laugh, blame Facebook and Twitter. Go figure!
Then again, what could possibly be stopping me? And as I have typed that most recent Q
mark in, I realize I have gotten off to a start!!
I must put this on record. This is the greatest feeling of relief I have ever known. Not
quite. I would go with “emptying a particularly full bladder” any given day. And this
might not even come in second. I could come up with more. But for now, this should do.
I sign off in the profound hope that this is not a one-off effort from my ridiculously and
prodigally talented mind. I cannot wait to be back, MS Wording more of my thoughts.
My impatience is superior to my readers’, which is not surprising as it is unlikely they
even exist.
……………….…. ….


  1. Eloquent, bombastic. Little more humility required! :P Don't try to be suave :D

  2. Ticks welcome to the world:)I relate to the 'rush of words' feeling:)It often happens and when it does it is quite a tsunami;)

